Waveney One Design
Waveney One Design Class Association

Captain: Geoff Little
Secretary & Treasurer: Ande Abbott 07515857447. 9 Leona Crescent, Carlton Colville NR33 8JY andeabbott@gmail.com
2022 saw the centenary anniversary of the Waveney class. A booklet has been produced by Scott Thomas to celebrate this great achievement: Waveney 100th Anniversary Book.pdf
For further information about the Class, Boats for Sale, Repairs or New Builds, Please contact: Neil Bowles 07803 495850 email justobysailing@gmail.com
1 | Tansy | Nick Gooch & Paul Reeve | Being restored |
2 | Meadowsweet | Paul Vipers | Oulton |
3 | Snakeshead | Andy Hamilton Eastwood Whelpton | Upton in hire |
4 | Arrowhead | Keith Webster | Buckenham |
5 | Ragged Robin | Andy Hamilton Eastwood Whelpton | Upton in hire |
6 | Orchis | Believed to have been broken up | |
7 | Water Soldier | Harry May | Awaiting restoration |
8 | Thalia | Peter Matthews, Ben & Veronica Falat | Oulton |
9 | Samphire | Chris & Gill Jordan | Aldeby (being restored) |
10 | Iris | Simon Marfleet & family | Oulton |
11 | Red Rattle | Tom Betts & Ollie Jones | Oulton |
12 | Penny Royal | Tony Parsons | Bramerton (for restoration) |
13 | Marsh Marigold | Tony & Chantalle Calver | Oulton |
14 | Bittersweet | Ros & Andy Royall | Oulton |
15 | Creeping Jenny | Trevor & Jake Balls | Oulton |
16 | King Cup | Neil Bowles | Aldeby Being Restored (For Sale) |
17 | Cuckoo Pint | Kyle Beamish and Adam Yorkston | Oulton |
18 | Sundew | Hunter Fleet, Ludham | Thurne in hire |
19 | Brandy Bottle | Steve Charlton | Oulton |
20 | Speedwell | Graham Reeve & Alan Cone | Oulton |
21 | Angelica | Richard Sullivan & Sue Harper | Oulton |
22 | Myrica | Phil Cooper | Oulton |
23 | Autumn Crocus | Rick Benson | The Cam |
24 | Naiad | Geoff Little | Oulton |
25 | Foxglove | David & Suzanne Yapp | Oulton |
26 | Sorrel | Paul & Karen Armitage | Oulton |
27 | Celandine | David Radley | Upper Thurne |
28 | Columbine | Chris Ricketson | Upton |
29 | Teasel | Scott Thomas | Oulton |
30 | Marsh Thistle | Ian Pickering | Oulton |
31 | Valerian | Henry Bird | Hickling |
32 | Fen Orchid | Waveney Sailability | Oulton |
33 | Forget-Me-Not | David Thurgar & Ande Abbott | Oulton |
34 | Watermint | Waveney Sailability | Oulton |
35 |
Last updated 13:57 on 29 January 2025